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Domain Time II > v5 > Configuration > Audit > Registry Settings

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Domain Time II Audit Server
Version 5.2
History  Registry Settings

Most options for Domain Time II Audit Server are set using the Audit Server configuration items in Domain Time II Manager. A few advanced options can only be set by changing the registry. This section explains the registry entries used by Domain Time II Audit Server.

Modifying Registry entries requires basic familiarity with the Windows Registry and its operations. Incorrect changes to the Registry can result in unpredictable, perhaps non-repairable, damage, up to and including a non-bootable system! Have a qualified technician make the changes for you if you are not comfortable with the process. We cannot be responsible for registry problems.

The Domain Time II Audit Server settings are located in these keys (click the names to jump to details):

            Domain Time II Audit Server
               Logs and Alerts


    Authentication settings are located in this key:

                Domain Time II Audit Server

    You should not make manual changes to this key or its subkeys unless instructed by Technical Support.


Logs and Alerts
    Logs and Alert settings are located in this key:

                Domain Time II Audit Server
                   Logs and Alerts
                     Audit Data Collection
                     Daily Reports
                     Drift Collection
                     Ephemera Collection
                     Event Viewer
                     RTAlert history

Audit Data Collection Key

Value Name:
Value Type:
Default Value:
Multicast by Serial Number to locate non-responding audited machines
True or False
Controls whether Audit Server tries to locate non-responding audited machines by sending a DT2 multicast using the audited machine's serial number. Change this value to "False" if your network does not allow multicast to eliminate unnecessary timeouts. Changes take effect at the next scan; you do not need to restart any services.

Value Name:
Value Type:
Default Value:
Retries on Contact Failure (range 1-5, default 1)
Controls how many times Manager and Audit Server will retry to contact a machine that fails to respond to unicast followups. Multiple retries are generally a bad idea, since if a machine fails to respond to a unicast once, it is unlikely to respond a second later. However, in some circumstances, such as auditing remote offices across a poor WAN or dealing with a congested switch or router that is discarding packets, you may want to increase the retries. Changes take effect at the next scan; you do not need to restart any services.

Value Name:
Value Type:
Default Value:
Email Subject Audit Alert
Domain Time II Audit Alert
Sets the email subject line for Audit Alerts. You may customize this using your own text.

Value Name:
Value Type:
Default Value:
Email Subject Audit Summary
Domain Time II Audit Summary
Sets the email subject line for Audit Summaries. You may customize this using your own text.

Value Name:
Value Type:
Default Value:
Email Subject Real-Time Alert
Domain Time II Real-Time Alert
Sets the email subject line for Real-Time Alerts. You may customize this using your own text.


    General settings are located in this key:

                Domain Time II Audit Server

Value Name:
Value Type:
Default Value:
Service Log Filename
Sets the location and name of the service log file. If this value is not present or is blank, the log file will be created with the default filename dtaudit.log in the %SystemRoot%\System32\ folder. The complete path and filename must be specified (i.e. C:\Windows\System32\dtaudit.log) and the drive specified must be a local drive.


    PTP Monitor settings are located in this key:

                Domain Time II Audit Server

    You should not make manual changes to this key or its subkeys unless instructed by Technical Support.


    Standby Mode settings are located in this key:

                Domain Time II Audit Server

    You should not make manual changes to this key or its subkeys unless instructed by Technical Support.


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