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Domain Time II > v5 > Configuration > Manager > Using Templates

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Domain Time II Manager
Version 5.2
History  Using Templates

Domain Time II Manager uses configuration template files for remote installation, upgrade, and configuration resets. Template files contain Domain Time Server or Client registry settings in standard Windows Registry export file format (.reg).

    You have the option of using the default configuration templates or custom templates whenever you using Domain Time Manager to install, upgrade, or reset configurations.


    . The manufacturer's default configuration templates (dtserver.reg and dtclient.reg) are provided as part of the distribution files for each flavor of Domain Time Server and client. We recommend that you do not edit these files directly. Use Custom templates to make any configuration changes you require instead.

    . The DOMTIME.INI template files used for this function in version 4.1 and earlier have been deprecated.

    Managing Templates
    Click Options -> Manage Templates... from Manager's menu to work with templates.

      The Choose Templates dialog
      The Choose Templates dialog   [Click for larger size]

      The Manage Templates dialog allows you to select which template to use for installs, upgrades, or resets for both Client and Server. It will remember your choices so you can easily perform the same operation repeatedly without having to re-select your templates. You'll also be able to change these settings at any time while performing installations, upgrades, or resets.

      Default tells Manager to use the manufacturer's default template included in the distribution files.

      Custom tells Manager to use the selected custom template. Any custom templates you've created will be available in the drop-down list.

      You can also create a new template from scatch (see below), edit an existing template, or delete custom templates from this dialog.

      The Preserve existing settings during upgrades checkboxes indicate whether you want upgraded machines to continue using the settings they had prior to the upgrade, or to overwrite their configuration with the settings contained in the selected template.

    Creating Custom Templates
    You can create a custom template either by creating one from scratch or by exporting one from a sample machine. It is usually easier to export settings from a sample machine unless you are familiar with all of the Domain Time registry settings.

    Custom template files are located in the C:\Program Files\Domain Time II\Templates\[Server][Client]\ folder of the Domain Time II Manager machine. Template .reg files located in those folders will automatically be made available for use when installing or upgrading using Manager.

    • From a sample machine
      Creating a custom template from a sample machine is a simple process. Follow these steps:

      1. Pick a sample machine to use as your configuration machine.

      2. Install Server or Client on the sample machine using the installation defaults.

      3. Connect to the sample machine's Domain Time Control Panel remotely using Manager.

      4. Configure the sample machine exactly as you want your target machines to be configured. Double-check all settings on all property pages.

      5. While still connected remotely, change to the Advanced -> Import/Export property page of the Control Panel applet.

          Since you're connected remotely, the export utility will automatically offer to save the .reg file in the proper directory on the Manager machine. Note that it also suggests a filename that indicates the name of the sample machine and when the file was created. You may accept this name, or edit it if you prefer. Be sure to keep the .reg extension.

          If you configure a machine while not connected remotely, you can save the export file locally, then manually copy the file to the Templates folder on the Manager machine.

        IMPORTANT: Although .reg files created using this utility are saved in standard Windows registry REGEDIT4 file format, it is not equivalent to exporting the registry keys using Windows' Registry Editor program. Registry file formats other than REGEDIT4 may not import correctly. Also, a number of registry settings on a running Domain Time system are machine-specific, and are likely to cause problems if directly copied into another machine's registry. Those settings are automatically excluded when you export using this utility, so you should always use the Import/Export utility to create a Domain Time .reg file.

      6. Click the Save button to save the template.

      Note: Exported templates may be edited manually using any text editor (or by clicking the Edit link on the Choose Templates dialog. You may allow the template to contain all exported settings, or edit it to contain only the specific settings you want to apply to the target machine(s).

      Settings you omit from the template will either be set to the manufacturer's defaults if they do not already exist on the target (such as during initial installation), or left untouched if they do exist (during upgrades/resets).

    • From scratch
      You can create a template file manually by creating a copy of the default settings template and editing it with any text editor.


        Custom        Edit   New   Delete

        Click Options -> Manage Templates... from Manager's menu to bring up the Choose Templates dialog (see above). Then, click the New link to create a copy of the manufacturer's default template (for either Client or Server).

        You can then edit the registry settings as desired. You may allow the template to contain all existing settings, or trim it to contain only the specific settings you want to apply to the target machine(s).

        Settings you omit from the template will either be set to the manufacturer's defaults if they do not already exist on the target (such as during initial installation), or left untouched if they do exist (during upgrades/resets).

      Note: Some settings (such as Server or Client Timings) are kept in binary keys which are not easily edited manually. You will need to configure those items using the Control Panel applet and export them into a .reg file (see the Creating Custom Templates From a sample machine section above).


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