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Domain Time II > v5 > Configuration > Client > Network

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Network  Network
Domain Time II Client
Version 5.2

Settings on this page control how Domain Time listens and sends traffic to the network.

CAUTION: The default settings on this page are usually correct for most applications. Only make changes if you are sure you need them and you fully understand the effects of the change.

These settings are unique to each machine, and therefore cannot be saved or imported using the Import/Export utilities.


 Network Listen 

  Address Family:  
   Join DT2/NTP IPv4 multicast groups
    Join DT2/NTP IPv6 multicast groups
    Initiate rebind and resync if IP address changes
    Enumerate multicast interfaces during IPv4/IPv6 bind
Listen on all IP addresses available   Reply to multicasts using incoming interface if possible
Listen only on these addresses:

Enter one IP address, hostname, or mask per line.
You may use any combination of IPv4 and IPv6
addresses. The addresses you enter must exist
and be permanently assigned to this machine
You may also use CIDR notation to specify any/all
addresses matching the mask you supply.

Use these settings to tell Domain Time which IP addresses to use when listening for incoming network traffic and whether to join multicast groups.

    IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that there can only be one network service listening on any one network port on any one IP address. The DT2 protocol (both 9909 UDP and 9909 TCP) will be reserved by the Domain Time service and cannot be disabled.

    IPv6 requires operating system support, which is present by default in Vista or above, but must be specifically installed/enabled on XP. Domain Time will function in IPv4-only mode if IPv6 is not present. If both are present, you may choose which to use, or let the system figure it out.

    Domain Time assumes your TCP/IP and Windows networks are configured properly, i.e. name resolution is functioning, rules are in place to permit traffic through switches, routers, and firewalls, any Active Directory/Domain structure is functioning correctly, etc.

     Join DT2/NTP IPv4 multicast groups
     Join DT2/NTP IPv6 multicast groups

    These checkboxes control whether Domain Time will join multicast groups to listen for either NTP or DT2 protocol multicast traffic.

      Multicasts may include not only time sync information, but client discovery packets from Manager and Audit Server. You should not disable this function unless you have a compelling reason to do so. Note this setting only applies to joining groups. You can control the multicast address and whether multicasts are sent on the Broadcasts and Multicasts property page.

    Initiate rebind and resync if IP address changes
    If this checkbox is checked, Domain Time will rebind interfaces if it notices that an IP address has been changed/added while the service is running. Use this option if your machine is likely to have its list of IP addresses change during operation.

    Enumerate multicast interfaces during IPv4/IPv6 bind
    Instructs Domain Time to include all addresses capable of multicast when it binds to the network interfaces. Check this box if the machine is multihomed.

    Reply to multicasts using incoming interface if possible
    Use this option to reduce unnecessary multicast traffic. When checked, and if the machine is multihomed and listening using a specified list of IP addresses (see below), Domain Time will attempt to reply to multicasts (such as PTP messages) over the same interface on which they were received. If unchecked, Domain Time will attempt to reply on all known interfaces. This feature has no effect if the Listen on all IP addresses available option is selected. Check this box only if the machine is multihomed and you have addresses listed in the Listen only on these addresses: box.

    Listen on all IP addresses available
    Listen only on these addresses:
    By default, Domain Time attempts to listen for network traffic on all available interfaces. However, you can restrict this to specific IP addresses and/or address ranges if necessary.

    IMPORTANT: Be sure to include the hostname
    localhost in your list of IP addresses to ensure that foreground Domain Time processes (such as the Domain Time applet) can continue to talk to the Domain Time service correctly.

    As of v5.2.b.20190701, you may enter comments in the specified listen-only list. Comments are defined as text following a hashtag or semicolon. (If the hashtag or semicolon is the first character, the entire line is considered a comment.) For example, you may use this syntax:

        ; These are our subnets:  # main network # internal network

    Comments in the list (other than commenting out an entire line) are not backward-compatible with previous versions of Domain Time, so don't use them in templates until all of your machines have been upgraded.


 Network Send 

DT2:       NTP:         TIME/ITP:  
Use blank (or zero) to mean the system should choose a random source port

Use this section to specify a fixed source port for time protocol traffic.

    These settings should be left blank unless you have a specific requirement to send traffic from a specific source port. If you do need to set this port, you must not select the same port that is used for listening.

    Note: Take care in assigning this port to avoid conflicts with any other port that may be used by any other service. In particular, you should not assign a port number in the ranges Windows will use for ephemeral source port assignment.


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